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I want to feature a property, how can I do this?

Last Updated 12 Jun 2024
2 minutes to read

Featuring a property can give it a much needed boost in views and enquiries. Featured properties are listed in the thousands of email alerts that we send to our customer base, and highlighted at the top of searches performed by our users.


The process is simple – just follow our steps below:


1.  Go to and find the property you would like to feature.


2.  Click onto the property and scroll to the bottom of the page, where you will find a section saying ‘Are you selling this property?’.




3.  Choose ‘Book a Featured Listing’ and you will be taken to the page below:




4.  Scroll down the page until you see the graph below. Make your choices by ticking the appropriate boxes.



NOTE: The minimum order for sale properties is £12 and £6 for Rentals.  




5.  When you are happy with your choices, decide whether you would like to add this to your monthly account or pay by credit or debit card. If you would like to add this to your account, please click ‘Purchase as Estate Agent’ – you will then be asked to log in to your PropertyPal account. If you choose to pay by credit / debit card, please click ‘Purchase as Homeowner’ and you will be taken to a secure payment page.


6. The next page you will be taken to will ask again if you would like to ‘Book a Premier Listing’.


If you would like to add even more exposure to the property please click ‘Yes, purchase this too’, however, if you do not want to do this, please click ‘No skip this step’ , and you will be taken to either your log in page or secure payment page (depending on the option you ticked previously) .




NOTE: If you opt to purchase the additional Premier listing on top of your Featured Listing, you are given the option to select the 4 main photos of the property you would like to appear on the listing. 

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